The Neurogenetic Personality Structureالبناء العصبي الوراثي للشخصية

The Neurogenetic Personality Structure (NPS) Theory

This is the theory that decodes all unknown causes behind psychological disorders. It does not cancel all previous discoveries but reinterpret them on the basis of neurogenetic personalities.

The theory states that all nine personality disorders are in fact hereditary personality types with a distinct nervous system make up.

This distinct neurogenetic personality is not by nature good or bad or disordered.

The disorder is acquired and the good or bad is just a conscious choice.

The neurogenetic personality gives you skills, abilities and needs. However every person is different than the other even if they share the same personality due to the settings they live within.

The personality disorders that are neurogenetic are: Borderline, narcissistic, antisocial, avoidant, paranoid, histrionic, obsessive, schizoid, schizotypal.

The neurogenetic personalities exists not only in a pure form but in Duals and triads. In fact, most people are hybrids which complicates the matter.

The psychotherapy that was designed based on the NPS theory is “The Neurogenetic Personality Restoration (NPR) therapy”.

To order the book that describes aspects of the NPS theory and NPR therapy contact whatsapp 00201119279530.

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هذا الموقع هو عالمي الخاص الذي أردت أن أنشر من خلاله مشاهداتي والنتائج التي توصلت لها من خلال بحثي المستقل كما أضفت للموقع بعض الأقسام العلمية التي أقصد بها زيادة الوعي والتثقيف العلمي في عالمنا العربي. دراستي الرئيسية طبية وهي الكيمياء الحيوية ومنها تعلمت ما يتعلق بالنفس البشرية بأسلوب علمي تطبيقي وليس فلسفي، مما جعلني أخرج بأساليب عملية تجمع بين العلم والشرع لتيسير الحياة على الناس وإيجاد وسائل السعادة والرضا لهم. للمزيد عني يمكن زيارة هذه الصفحة: عن الكاتبة

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