The Neurogenetic Personality Structure

The Neurogenetic Personality Structure (NPS) Theory Book

This book is the first in a series of books describing the neurogenetic personality structure theory and its applications.

Through this book, you can determine your personality type and those around you. You can also determine the nature of your disorder if you have any, to put yourself on the right path for an effective self-development.

This book includes the traits about all essential personalities and rules of personality duals and triads. Comprehensive information about pure and hybrid personalities and their therapeutic approach will be detailed in the following books.

This book is considered a solid foundation upon which specialists can build an accurate path towards Islamic psychology.

This book is a new theory in psychology, so you must forget about current psychology and read the book on the new basis as you will not be able to combine the two.

I hope this book will be an enjoyable journey for every person seeking answers to questions about what is going on within himself and how to manage his life.

To order the book you can contact us through whatsapp number 00201119279530

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داليا رشوان

هذا الموقع هو عالمي الخاص الذي أردت أن أنشر من خلاله مشاهداتي والنتائج التي توصلت لها من خلال بحثي المستقل كما أضفت للموقع بعض الأقسام العلمية التي أقصد بها زيادة الوعي والتثقيف العلمي في عالمنا العربي. دراستي الرئيسية طبية وهي الكيمياء الحيوية ومنها تعلمت ما يتعلق بالنفس البشرية بأسلوب علمي تطبيقي وليس فلسفي، مما جعلني أخرج بأساليب عملية تجمع بين العلم والشرع لتيسير الحياة على الناس وإيجاد وسائل السعادة والرضا لهم. للمزيد عني يمكن زيارة هذه الصفحة: عن الكاتبة

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